
July 17, 2022

Encouraging You to Rest


I had an amazing weekend with lovely ladies who were focused on their calling to serve God well. The weekend was full of information, meet and greets, scripture, and worship that spoke to my soul.  It was amazing, oh yes, I already mentioned that.  But through all this encouragement and making new friends, you still need time to decompress.  Sometimes we feel the need to push and do, but not to pause. 

Here are four habits you can practice through the week that might help usher in rest and embrace the pause:

Stay connected to God through prayer and scripture. 

When you’re overwhelmed, it can be a good idea to sit with His Word.  Listen to what He wants to share with you, and this can help organize your day and provide words you can recall when life becomes overwhelming.

Seek out community.

God calls us to fellowship.  We are there for one another.  So, it’s important to surround yourself with those who uplift you, encourage you, and create boundaries around yourself for those who do not. This creates a peace in knowing someone has your back, you can trust them to tell your frustrations to, and they can also hold you accountable when they know you need a break.

Notice what’s in nature.

Sometimes getting away from the stress of your everyday can be tough.  You move from task to task, without a break, but then you feel it later when it’s time to wind down.  Getting out in nature can be helpful – taking a walk, breathing in fresh air, riding a bike, playing a sport.  Moving sometimes helps regulate and ground the body. 

Plan your time of Sabbath.

Is there a particular time when you can take a day or a few hours to rest, recharge and reflect?  Could it be visiting your favorite café and having a cup of tea?  Taking a nap when it’s quiet in the house? Spending time in worship early in the morning as you watch the sunrise?  Plant or work in your garden?  It’s important to be intentional about this time.

God cares about your time of rest and pause.  Even in the busiest season, God wants you to take a Sabbath.  And what I know for sure, is that He knows what’s best for you and for me. 

What are you doing this week to rest or decompress, reflect, and recharge? 

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