Today is full of grace, so I want you to take hold of it and don’t let it go. It’s that kindness that exudes from someone and you wonder where they got it. Well, they got it from someone like you who gave it liberally. They were in a place to receive it and then give it right back out again. So, today, I ask you to receive the grace someone wants to give. You don’t have to earn it, it’s just given. It’s from the heart of someone that just wants to be compassionate and benevolent. You can also show grace to another, because I can tell you from experience, we all need it at times, I know I do.
It doesn’t have to
be a big gesture – it can be paying it forward in the fast-food line, or
letting a weary mom with only 3 items go ahead of you in the grocery store
checkout, or driving by an open parking space so the person behind you can pull
in, or even simply ministering to a neighbor in need of prayer or a short
visit. I need grace and I’m sure some
days you do to. Be liberal with it, yet
wise. But I encourage you to give it out
and open your hands to receive it too.
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